Domitian - Harahel v0.6.5
ersatzUsername 1.6K 30th Jan, 2021
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CHANGELOG--Added [Medal of Honour]--Added [Mr. Clean]--Added [World Clean]--Added [Status]--Added [Darkvision]--Added [Talk to Me]REMOVED:A lot of stuffAdded:Lost an eye, got [Fate Dynamo] like irl, Ranma, and also a prof point or two"Were it anyone but you, I... How hollow must I be? Why must you drive me this end?"A sad smile crossed her face as I cradled her in my arms, knowing that in death by my hands, she was vindicated.==== Player Build v0.6.5 ====Race: [Xadera]***: [Male]Hair: [White]Eyes: [Blue]Skin: [Ghostly]Face: [Androgynous]Bust: [Flat]Height: [Amazonian]Hips: [Plain]Butt: [Smol]Fitness: [Buff]"The mirror's reflection was my own, of that I had no doubt. I towered over other men, even if I was forcing myself to occupy less space. Marblewhite skin, scarless and woundless, wrapped my sculptured muscle, viscera, and sinew. A charming face, drawn into a knowing expression, pale blueeyes of my father gazing back into my own. Neck length hair messily scattered, rivulets of silver crossing down onto my face.The visage of things to come, the summation that has yet to materialize."F.M.S.U.: [Buckets Of Cum], [Fluid Druid], [Arka Tanks x1], [Indestructible Ahoge], [Resting Smug Face], [Love Nectar], [Curse of A Thousand Maidens], [Arka Fountains], [Everwet], [Patches], [Ranma]"Needless to say, there was much to clean after the dalliance. She was all too happy to volunteer her services in that regard."G.R.M.: [Unusual Eyes], [Regeneration], [Bio-Immortal], [Arithmomania], [Blood Overdrive], [Caustic Blood], [Mushi], [Sleigh Beggy], [AuxiliarySystems], [Big Boi], [HUGE BOI], [Tasty Fate], [Tireless], [Dulluhan]"Magic and flesh made one; towering flesh everted twiceover and made functional. The spatial anomaly hid within it many dozens of men worth of flesh.Created with the basis of careful study of the mushi, and bound with enough magical conditions that none but the most powerful would be able tounweave the distortion; even should such a thing occur, their fate would be disastrous."U.T.T.: [Fertile Fields], [**** Physics], [Pron Studio], [Contortionist], [Excalibur], [Biggus Dickus], [Mr Clean], [World Clean], [Flavour Town]Boons: [Unbreakable Mind], [Tasty Prof], [Permanence], [Man Portions], [Max Charisma], [Aura’s Veil], [Hero], [Hammerspace Inventory], [Ooga Booga],[Lucky], [Transmog], [Unbreakable Will], [Relative Realism], [The Apprentice x1], [Aesthetic], [Sensory Overdose], [Otome], [Demon Lord],[Destiny Drive], [HUD], [Hush Money], [Darkvision], [Status], [Talk To Me], [Popular], [Nuru Nuru~]'The man who makes the impossible, possible. Needless to say, he shouldn't be anywhere near here. Then again, the fact we are talking about this inthe first place means that, yes, there is precedent for him appearing when intel put him on the other side of Harahel.'
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