EOH NPC--Gawain Caldebrand v0.6.5
ersatzUsername 1.2K 2nd Feb, 2021
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|||EOH NPC/STOCK CHARACTER|||||Use and adjust as needed||Name: Gawain CaldebrandRace: [Humie], [Okami]***: [Male]Hair: [Blonde]Eyes: [Blue]Skin: [Fair]Face: [Masculine]Bust: [Flat]Height: [Amazonian]Hips: [Masculine]Butt: [Masculine]Fitness: [Ripped]Age: Early 30sF.M.S.U.: [Everhard], [Buckets Of Cum], [Hyper Fertility], [Life, Uh, Finds A Way], [Resting Smug Face], [Love Nectar], [Magnum Dong], [Curse of AThousand Maidens]G.R.M.: [Regeneration], [Tasty Fate], [Bio-Immortal], [Monster Mash x1], [Claws], [Ubermensch], [Big Boi], [Auxiliary Systems]Gawain's a big muscled bastard, nearly 2.5 times the size of any normal man. His mug, well it ain't no better for a fight, but it's a handsome onenonetheless, to say nothing of his carefully groomed moustache.U.T.T.: [**** Physics], [Divine Pregnancy], [Contortionist], [Biggus Dickus]Aferlife: [Lahash - Arbiter of Will]Afterlife Timer: [1 Month]Death Mods: [Corrupted Vision], [A Most Terrible Fate], [Remuneration]Player Count: [10,000 People]Start Location: [The Great Wilds]PROFICIENCYStrength 3Agility 3Endurance 4Durability 4Combat 5Strategy 1Charisma 4Alchemical 2Luck 4Banes: [Humanity], [Awoo], [Duel With The Devil], [Ahegao], [No Metagaming], [Attention Whore], [Water To Wine], [Masochist], [Lightweight], [Sadist],[Exhibitionist], [Masculinity], [The Fool], [The Chivalrous], [Hephaestus’ Curse], [Mark Of Failure], [Rape Instinct], [Yaranaika?], [Potionholic], [Medal Of Honor]Boons: [Hush Money], [Frens], [Unbreakable Will], [Final Journey], [Tasty Prof], [Permanence], [Max Charisma], [Man Portions], [Aura’s Veil], [Hero],[Demon Lord], [Seal Decay], [Face Me], [VooDoo], [Ooga Booga], [Lucky], [Death Is the Only Cure], [Divine Intervention], [Transmog], [UnbreakableMind], [Relative Realism], [Warm Welcome]
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