Division Tactics

MADPIPER 1K 11th Feb, 2021

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>Immortality 750
Blood and Bone (Immortality)
Shards of Mortality (Immortality)
I'll be taking Cursed With Awesome later down the line.
>Base Form 750
Spirit (Race)
Hermaphrodite (Body)
Toned (Body)
Colossal (Height)
Vagina (Penis)
Octopus Tentacle (Penis)
Mind Flayer Tendrils (Penis)
Demon Dick (Penis)
Eldritch **** (*******)
Fangs (Miscellaneous)
Wings (Miscellaneous)
Horns (Miscellaneous)
Skin Color (Miscellaneous)
Eyes (Miscellaneous)
Alternate Lower Body (Miscellaneous)
Tail (Miscellaneous)
Feminine (Miscellaneous)
Pointy Ears (Miscellaneous)
Slimey (Miscellaneous)
Special Tongue (Miscellaneous)
Enhanced Orifices (Miscellaneous)
Multiplicity (Miscellaneous)
Tentacles (Miscellaneous)
Claws (Miscellaneous)
Poisonous (Miscellaneous)
Stoic (Miscellaneous)
Perky (Miscellaneous)
Hairless (Miscellaneous)
Bioluminescence (Miscellaneous)
Luscious Lips (Miscellaneous)
A twisted, abyssal creature. A colossal, fractured mass of shifting soul-flesh capable of controlling its insane pseudo anatomy, and more
        importantly, its mana metabolism. While all the extra bits are fun, they're mostly irrelevant. The most important takeaways here are the
        combination of the Spirit race with Blood & Bone and Shards of Mortality. I'm a soul capable of not only surviving being broken up, but
        regenerating afterwards and improving the process.
>Drawbacks 2325
Use Protection (Drawback)
Deviously Cursed Loot (Drawback)
Cruel and Unusual (Drawback)
Real Casual (Drawback)
Yandere Generator (Drawback)
Breeding Program (Drawback)

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