F4M - Jedi Reunited - A Star Wars Story
MarlonBolano 1.9K 16th Jan, 2021
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[F4M] [Script Offer] Jedi Reunited: A Star Wars Story [Sci-fi] [Friends to Lovers] [Reunion] [Long-Lost Love] [Story Heavy] [Emotional] [Sweet] but[Tragic] [Outercourse] [Cowgirl] [Missionary] [Creampie] [One L-bomb] [War Stories] [I Thought I’d Never See You Again] [Twist Ending] [EpisodeII of… III?]“It’s… it’s *you*! I… I can’t believe it! I thought I’d never see you again! With the war and everything, I was worried you were… you know. But…somehow I knew you were still alive. Ever since our first night together, we’ve been *connected*. Every night I would reach out for you with theForce, and I could feel you reaching back. And now that we’re together again… I never want to let you go. I can’t thank you enough for saving me…but maybe I can show you how much I’ve missed you.”Five years have passed since the Sith began their conquest of the galaxy, and the Jedi are struggling to respond. Countless star systems have fallen,and untold numbers of Jedi have perished in battle after bloody battle. On the front lines is Jedi Padawan Lirra Tol, left behind on a forsakenplanet as her Sith pursuers close in. In the nick of time, she is rescued by a familiar face — her oldest friend and one-time lover. But theirreunion is shot through with trepidation — the years have not been kind to young Lirra. What horrors have they seen? How will they celebratetheir reunion? Can they make up for lost time? And when all is said and done… will they have the courage to make their bond permanent?Thanks for clicking! I’m back with a sequel to my last script and the second episode in a three(?)-part series. Like the last part, this one is verycharacter-driven, narrative-heavy, and emotional. After a five-year time skip, we see a wrinkle develop in the star-crossed romance of two youngJedi warriors. Lots of action, lots of feels, and a coda at the end that changes everything. I hope you enjoy it!Any interested performers are welcome to edit/improvise to their hearts’ content. This script features a lot of notes for sound effects, but I thinka fill would work just as well without them — they’re optional suggestions. Feedback from performers, writers, and readers is always welcome!*Asterisks are for emphasis*<These are for (optional) sound effects and non-verbal noise>[Brackets are for direction]Line breaks are just there to make scanning easier – improvise with pauses all you like.[TONAL ADVICE] Lirra has changed since we last saw her. She tries hard to cling to her former sunniness and sarcasm, but these are very cynical times, and they’ve made a lasting impression on her. We catch her at a moment of both untold despair and overwhelming joy — these have been the worstdays of her life, but reuniting with the listener makes her whole again. Almost.-----[START]-----[Again, we begin with the Opening Crawl – her voice is solemn, regal, and this time charged with foreboding energy][NARRATION] Five long, bloody years have passed since the resurrected SITH DOMINION began its conquest of the galaxy. Countless star systems havefallen in its slow march towards the Galactic Core. Resistance movements crumble before the terrible might of the DARK SIDE — it seems that soon,the entire OUTER RIM will fall to the Sith’s tyranny.[NARRATION] But hope is not yet lost — the valiant knights of the JEDI ORDER, defenders of the galaxy and legendary enemies of the Sith, remaindauntless. Hundreds of Jedi have given their lives to slow the Dominion’s advance, but the tide of war seems inevitable — the JEDI COUNCIL hasordered all remaining Jedi to retreat to the MID-RIM TERRITORIES.[NARRATION] But the order has come too late to the desert world of RYLOTH, the GALACTIC REPUBLIC’S final foothold in the OUTER RIM. As the planet’slast outposts fall under Sith control, Jedi Padawan LIRRA TOL fights desperately to survive. Unbeknownst to her, however, a long-lost friend hasreceived her plea for help and rushes to her rescue, though their reunion may be less sweet than she had imagined. . . .[Narration ends, and we cut to Ryloth – specifically, the inside of the Listener’s starship as he speeds across the planet’s surface, cutting throughnarrow ravines with reckless desperation]<(optional) spaceship ambiance throughout>
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