Cute Dragon Going Home
MADPIPER 1K 17th Feb, 2021
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https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/33237268/#33241048https://youtu.be/l3NoYyNKSXQDiagnostics Check [ERROR] log:Date: [ERROR][ERROR][ERROR][ERROR]Time: 777;777Resolution requestIssue: Absent signal inputObject status: CriticalObject: Transtellar [Energy/Mass/Soul] Transfer Forge Mind;Adamant StarMode: Locked on orders of War Mind;Foundation of BonesCheck network neighbor signalsMithral Star status: UnavailableIron Star status: DeceasedVerdant Star status: CompromisedOrichalcum Star status: UnavailableConstellation Line status: UnavailableResolution requiredEngaging emergency protocolsObject unlock procedure initiatedOperation in progressOperation completeObject status: Processing [ERROR] transit requests from Verdant StarDiagnostics Check completeA long, long time ago, in a galaxy not so far, far away, an unimaginably vast empire faced an unimaginably vast threat, and so they ordered thefabulous crystal golems that they had seeded within the stars themselves to halt all transport that might compromise their defenses.Not so long, long ago, in a star far, far away, one of those golem minds got bored, for a lack of a better word. Adamant Star had been waiting so longthat it had resorted to moving its solar system to another star and consuming it in order to maintain its own. It had even taken to decorating,arranging the pleasure worlds it was tasked with keeping in an unnatural orbit around the gutted remains of its prey.Thirty seven equidistant worlds sharing an orbit as the moons of what seemed like a brown dwarf would seem strange for an outsider, but for the peoplethat had lived there for time immemorial, it was simply Home. To them, winter was when a planet passed behind the brown dwarf, Hearth, and hadonly its dull glow to warm them during the, "day," while summer was when a planet was between Hearth and Forge, basking in the light of twocelestial bodies.The locals were not present for the journey of stars, for they are a relatively recent addition by Adamant Star. Originaly intended to be toys for thepeople that had built this place, they were templates of strange and beautiful things that were available to the World Forges to create. Butwithout a soul, they would do nothing more than what they were little more than animals, and without a Star Forge, a World Forge could only do somuch. Adamant Star gathered souls, and ordered the World Forges to break protocol and install them in a population of what would have never beencitizens in the old Empire.
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