F4M - Be My Partner in Crime Again - Seduced by an Outlaw

MarlonBolano 2.3K 9th Jul, 2021

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[F4M] [Script Offer] Be My Partner in Crime Again: Seduced by an Outlaw [Wild West] [Old Flame] [Standoff] [Seduction] [Cheating] [Blowjob] [Clothed
    ***] [Rough ***] [Doggy] [Cowgirl] [Creampie] [Leave Her For Me] [Let's Do Crimes]
“You mean to tell me you’ve gone… *straight*? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard! You’re really going to throw away our life on the lam
    for… what, exactly? A boring, domestic life with some preacher’s daughter? Come on. I know you better than that. What you *really* want… is to
    come back to me, isn’t it? We’ll have so much *fun* if you run away with me again. Come here. Let me give you a taste of what you’ve been missing
    out on.”
An attempted robbery gone wrong… or right? A mischievous outlaw is confronted by a bartender, and the two quickly realize that they aren’t the
    strangers they initially seemed. As they recount their shared history, it becomes clear that the chemistry between them hasn’t faded. Will the
    bartender commit to his straight-and-narrow life with his fiancee? Or will he surrender to his feelings and reignite an old flame?
Howdy! Here’s a steamy script straight from the Old West! First and foremost, I have to give tons and tons of credit to u/emmafielder for coming up
    with the story for this one. She made this script happen, so please head to her profile to see all of her amazing audios, including a bunch of
    fills of my scripts! A tip of at least 15 cowboy hats to her.
Feedback is always welcome! Any interested performers are welcome to edit/improvise to their hearts’ content.
[CHARACTER ADVICE] As far as anyone can tell, The Outlaw is never scared and never worried. Her #1 priority is the freedom and excitement that comes
    with a life of crime, and she genuinely does not understand why anyone would choose to give it up. She is supremely confident in herself and is
    very hesitant to admit that she needs anything or anyone else - she briefly allows herself to be vulnerable in the conclusion, but this is the
    only moment where she comes even close to discomfort.
*Asterisks are for emphasis*
<These are for (optional) sound effects and non-verbal noise>
[Brackets are for direction]
Line breaks are just there to make scanning easier – improvise with pauses all you like.
<rummaging sounds>
[half-whisper] No… no… ugh, god *damn* it, where… I swear to… it was right *here*, right behind the… shit… it *has* to be here somewhere, it just-
<sudden pause - she freezes>
<she wheels around - gun clicks>
[cocky] Ah, ah, ah - not one step further, stranger! Good evening! Did I wake you? Awww. Sorry. I promise I didn't mean to. Guess I got a little bit…
    carried away.
Whew. Let me catch my breath. You almost got the drop on me there. But… I wouldn't feel too smug - the old graveyard by the church is *full* of folks
    who *almost* got the drop on me.
<laugh> Why *yes*, that *is* a threat! Smart boy. But don't worry - I have no interest in hurting you. I just have a question for you. See, I used to
    work here. Long time ago. Hated it. *But* - I had this box, right? A little… *retirement fund*. And before I blew town, I hid it here for
Now, I know for a *fact* that I left it in one of these little secret compartments under the bar. But wouldn’t you know? I can’t seem to find it.

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